Free Printable Flashcards for Kindergarten - Places Flashcards for Kids

Flashcards are small note cards used for testing and improving memory through practiced information retrieval. Flashcards are typically two-sided, with the prompt on one side and the information about the prompt on the other. This may include names, vocabulary, concepts, or procedures. For example, one side of the card may say, “Augusta”, and the other side, “The capital of Maine”. Usually there are several flashcards that, as a group, represent a category of information you’re trying to remember, learn, and master.

Using flashcards can be a very effective self-testing approach. Even the act of making flashcards is a way to “work” the information, challenging you to think about which information to have on one side and the related description on the other.

Memorizing Individual Cards

Look at the prompt on the first card, and explain the related information listed on the back without peeking. Try to say the information out loud, and then flip over the card to see if you were correct and thorough.

If correct, move the card to a separate pile. Make sure not to fool yourself by peeking when you get stuck. It’s common to be stuck, peek, and tell yourself, “Oh yeah, I knew that.” If you could not remember without looking, you did not know it!

If not correct, put the card on the bottom of the pile to revisit again during that study session. This helps you to spend more time with what you remember the least.

Revisit each stack as often as your time allows*. The more “swipes”, the more it will become “memorized”. Continue to put aside cards for less-frequent review once you have been able to retrieve the information a number of times. *As a reminder, adult learners tend to become fatigued at (or around) two hours.

How to Print these Flashcards?

  • Click on the download button below,
  • PDF version will  be open.
  • Click on the print icon.
  • Adjust the size according to your need.
  • You are done.

Flashcards for Places - Places Flashcards for Kids

Click here to Download

Flashcards for kids, Flashcards for Kindergarten, Flashcards for places, Flashcards online, Flashcards Free PDF Download, Places Flashcards printable, Community places flashcards, City places Flashcards, Places in town Flashcards, Public Places Flashcards, Flashcards for kindergarten printable.

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